In the beginning, God created...
Print Shop
is a traveling earthen fine art shop showcasing the revelatory moments and sacred spaces Bri and Ty have stood and battled emotional and spiritual demons while learning to connect to the Greatness within themselves: the God of freedom, love, and holistic and lasting peace! Intimate encounters with Creator are not just for a few but are available to all...
(To enjoy a beautiful sensory experience as you wander the art shop,
press play on the music bar in the header before entering.)
Mixed Media Fine Art
showcases our hand crafted mixed-media art pieces, specializing in "paintographs" interwoven with earth, macrame, and other fiber arts!
Crafted while traveling the country, our earthen art pieces are embedded with seashells, rocks, and other bits of earth from some of our country's most beautiful beaches, wildernesses and open terrains!
coming soon...
Goods & Wearable Art Shop
While we're experiencing life in some of the most awe-inspiring places on earth, we're constantly thinking about you and how we can place some of that inspiration in your hands... and maybe even on your back!
Welcome to the Mountain!
coming soon...
...God bless your journey...
For to be is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
-Nelson Mandela